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A Note from Author, C.L. Riley


I've always loved genies. The mystery. The magic. The bottle! At least the bottle featured on the popular TV show, I Dream of Genie. As a little girl, Genie's fully furnished bottle was my idea of the perfect dream home...forget the Barbie Dream House. I remember resting in bed and praying (yes, praying!) for God to turn me into a genie with a luxurious bottle to reside in. I can honestly tell you that prayer has not yet been answered! I'll let you know the minute it is. I promise!


But despite my love and affection for everything I Dream of Genie, the jinns and genies I chose to write about, in Bottle Banished: Dreaming of Genie, aren't nearly as nice and sweet as Barbara Eden's version. Some downright hate us human folk. So beware! This is not an updated remake of the show, though you will find references to it. 


As for bottles...they are not furnished, nor are they considered "homes." They're used to trap genies. You will have to read the book to learn more!  


Granted, my work does indeed include humor and many fun references to pop culture from today and years past, but please keep in mind this book is Dark Fantasy; meaning, it is filled with the fantastical elements of magic and the supernatural  you expect in a fantasy story, yet it has a far darker and dangerous overrtone.


Bad things happen.  Good things happen. Naughty things happen.


Expect to laugh, to be startled, maybe even shocked, and don't be surprised if you find yourself squirming in your seat...wink/wink! If you know what I mean.


And remember, I am by no means an expert on djinns and genies, but I have done considerable research. My story pulls tidbits from these traditions, myths and legends, but I've built my own  unique world and backstory that I hope you enjoy.


Please feel free to contact me. I will do my best to get back to you in a timely manner. This is just my "starter" website. A blog will be coming soon! Please take a moment to "like" my new FB Fan Page and follow me on Twitter. Your support means more than you could possibly know. 


Happy Reading! C.L. Riley


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